Henri Cartier-Bresson

A major retrospective exhibition that was held in the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
From 26 September 2014 to 25 January 2015, the Ara Pacis Museum of Rome will host a retrospective exhibition of Henri Cartier-Bresson, curated by Clément Chéroux. This large exposition is a production of the Pompidou Centre of Paris. It is promoted by Roma Capitale Assessorato alla Cultura, Creatività e Promozione Artistica - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, produced by Contrasto and Zètema Progetto Cultura, and proposed on the ten-year anniversary of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s death.
Compositional skill, extraordinary visual intuition, and the ability to seize upon the most fleeting but also most important moments, made Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908 – 2004) one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century. Throughout his career, while travelling the world and witnessing history’s greatest moments, Cartier-Bresson was always able to unite poetry with the power of documentation. From Surrealism to the Cold War, from the Spanish Civil War to the Second World War and Decolonization, Cartier-Bresson was one of the greatest chronicles of our history; the “eye of the century”, as he is rightly called.
His work falls into three great periods. The first, from 1926 to 1935, when Cartier-Bresson socializes with the Surrealists, takes his first steps in photography and goes on his first voyages. The second, from 1936 to 1946, is defined by his involvement in politics, his work for the Communist press and his experience in filmmaking. The third, from 1947 to 1970, covers the period after the founding of Magnum Photos agency to his retirement from photo reporting.
The exhibition presents a new reading of the immense body of photographic work left by Cartier-Bresson. The exposition is the product of extensive research and covers the great photographer’s entire professional career.
It offers a dual vision. On the one hand, it traces the genesis of Cartier-Bresson’s work by illustrating the evolution of his artistic path in all of its complexity and variety. At the same time, it brings together and “paints” the history of the 20th century, through the eyes of a photographer.
Over 500 items including period photographs, drawings, paintings, films and manuscripts, his most famous images and those less known, and rare and unedited documents are brought together providing an in-depth picture of the extraordinary work of this great photographer and chronicler of our times.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue edited by Contrasto with essays by scholars and experts, and unedited texts by Cartier-Bresson. In addition to the catalogue, an easy-to-follow guide to the exhibition is also provided.
Catalogo e guida alla mostra Contrasto
26 September, 2014 - 25 January, 2015
Tuesday-Wednesday: 9.00-19.00;
Thursday-Sunday: 9.00-22.00;
December 24 and 31: 9.00-14.00;
Last admission one hour before closing time;
Closed Monday, December 25, January 1
From Thursday to Sunday the exhibition only (not the Museum), for its entire duration, will be open until 22.00 (last admission 21.00), entrance from Via Ripetta.
PLEASE NOTE: On Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 January the exhibition is open from 9.00 through 24.00 (last admission at 23.00).
Exhibition only Tickets (entrance from Via di Ripetta):
- Adults: € 11,00;
- Concessions: € 9,00;
- School groups: € 4,00 (free admission for one accompanying teacher per group of 10 students);
- Family: € 22,00 (2 adults and children under 18 years of age);
- residents in the European Union aged between 6 and 25;
- Adults over 65 years;
- Teachers;
- Journalists with press card (professionals, practitioners, freelance);
- RomaPass card-holders (3rd entrance onwards);
- Holders of American Express credit card used for the purchase of the ticket (dedicated queue); -
- Monthly and yearly Metrebus pass holders (to be shown at the ticket office);
- Holders of a stamped BIT ticket (Metro and/or buses), to be presented and given at the ticket office;
- Visitors presenting a print copy of the ATAC newsletter of at the ticket office of the New Exhibition Area of the Ara Pacis from Tuesday to Friday (weekends excluded).
Free admission:
- Children up to 6 years
- Union disabled visitors and a carer
- European Union Tourist Guides
- Tourist interpreters from the European Union
- Members of ICOMOS, ICOM, ICCROM, Accademia dei Lincei, Istituto Studi Romani, Amici dei Musei di RomaICOMOS,
- RomaPass card-holders (1st and 2nd entrance)
Combined Tickets (Ara Pacis museum + "Henri Cartier-Bresson” exhibition):
- Adults: € 18,00;
- Concessions: € 14,00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
- Adults: € 16,00;
- Concessions: € 12,00;
Ara Pacis Museum only Tickets and exhibition "Beverly Pepper all'Ara Pacis" (13 December, 2014 - 15 March, 2015):
- Adults: € 10,50;
- Concessions: € 8,50;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID):
- Adults: € 8,50;
- Concessions: € 6,50;
Free admission for certain visitor groups (Delibera Comunale n. 45/2014)
Only Museum: € 4,00
Only Exhibition: € 4,00
Museum + Exhibition: € 6,00
Online tickets
For the Capitoline Museums or Ara Pacis simply present your printed receipt at the turnstiles, bypassing the ticket office queue.
For all the other participating museums the printed receipt entitles you to jump the queue at the ticket office and quickly pick up your ticket.
Tel. +39 060608 (every day from 9:00 to 21:00; except December 24 and 31 from 9:00 to 17:00; 25 December and 1 January from 11:00 to 18:00).
Promoted by: Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Produced by: Contrasto and Zètema Progetto Cultura
Sponsors (in collaboration with): Banche tesoriere di Roma Capitale: BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, UniCredit, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Vodafone
With the contribution of: American Express
With the technical assistance of: Aeroporti di Roma, Atac; Dimensione Suono Due; La Repubblica;
Security Service: Travis
Press Room