Roberto Pietrosanti

Monumental installation by RobertoPietrosanti. A black monolith made of acrylic resin (on display until October 7) is set indialogue with the Richard Meier's white architecture. After this exhibition the artwork will become the first element of the PARCO NOMADE located in the south-west of Rome .
Friday, September 21, the Fondazione VOLUME! (in the framework of the PARCO NOMADE project curated by Achille Bonito Oliva) presents, on the exterior steps of the Ara Pacis Museum, a monumental installation by Roberto Pietrosanti, an event promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico – Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali with the organization of Zètema Progetto Cultura. A black monolith made of acrylic resin (on display until October 7) is set indialogue with the Richard Meier's white architecture. After this exhibition the artwork will become the first element of the PARCO NOMADE located in the south-west of Rome, in the natural reserve of Tenuta dei Massimi in Rome. A park of 40 acres, not far from Corviale, will host forms created by contemporary artists and architects.
The simplicity of a perfectly square block presents itself as an archaic and mysterious presence. A brutal soul, a dark cave dug with vigorous gestures interrupts the compact geometry of the external surfaces. Geometry versus gestures: the sculpture reflects the conflict between the meticulous quest for perfection in today's society, the desire to smooth and incorruptible appearance, and the dark inner urges that often govern human action. Primitive instincts hidden behind crystalline appearances.
Infoline: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)